Last weekend, we had our college group retreat up in Friendship, WI. It was a time of rest and relaxation (or it would have been if we had actually slept…)
- Riding tandem bicycle
- Swimming
- Water skiing!!!!
- Tubing duels
- Football, frisbee, soccer, volleyball
- Climbing trees
- Speed scrabble (“I have a disease!” “I spelled my name!”)
- Stories around the campfire (aluminum wood, cancer, an aluminum cast of Abigail, Miley Cyrus??, let’s see what happens when we throw this burning log into the lake!)
- Sleeping under the stars
- Watching shooting stars
- Being awakened by the neighbor’s sprinklers
- Watching the sunrise on the lake
- Placing gnomes under pillows (Mythterine the 11th, heir to the throne of Gnorblivale, aka Sleepy the Dwarf)
- Teletubby terrorism.
You may be happy to know that the Teletubby was able to live a very fulfilling life as a chew toy once we returned home (don’t worry, we took the Tootsie Roll pop out of its mouth before giving it to Buddy).

Buddy gently holds the Teletubby by the scruff of its neck. The unsuspecting toy does not realize that its innards will be outward within a couple of days. Tubby also does not realize that this is actually quite a feat, considering the fact that Buddy normally destroys his toys the same day he gets them.

Buddy hides the Teletubby under the bushes. He doesn't want us to see what atrocities he is committing under the cover of our lilac bush.
Two following pictures were omitted due to the gruesome content involving white stuffing strewn around our house. Parents, shield your children from such things! This is a G-rated blog, so you have no worries here!
Aww…poor teletubby! Although I suppose that isn’t too much worse that what we did to him hehehe!
That retreat was amazing!