On Saturday, Katie and I took our beginning orchestra and band kids to Europa Park as an end-of-the-year celebration of all the work they have put in to learning a new instrument. Europa Park is a theme park, similar to Six Flags parks in the US.
We split up into groupings based on what rides people wanted to go on. I chaperoned the group of 7 “adventurous” boys. Since there were only 7 boys on the trip, none of them wanted to be labeled a “chicken” and go in the less adventurous groups, so they all ended up with me.
The first ride we went to was the Silver Star, the tallest coaster in the park.

One of the boys chose to take a picture of us instead of riding. It was a rather intimidating ride, I must admit.
It reminded me of the Raging Bull at Great America. Back in Chicago, Six Flags Great America was divided into regions of American themes: Southwest, Orleans Place, County Fair, Yukon Territory, and Yankee Harbor. Similarly, Europa Park is divided into countries. “Ok guys, we’re walking to Switzerland now!”
We went bobsledding in Switzerland.
There was some highly over-priced Milka merchandise in the Swiss gift shop. Purple cow, anyone?
My favorite roller coaster was in Iceland: the Blue Fire. It had several fun corkscrews, but the most interesting thing was watching my heart rate on the screen! Just before we blasted off, I think it went up from 88 to 104.
We went on a few “kiddy” rides whenever we walked by something that looked interesting.

Pirate ship: This turned out to be a fun ride! The ships went up and down around in a circle on fake waves; once in a while they turned around backwards!
All in all, it turned out to be a great day! Nobody got lost, sick, injured, kidnapped, or anything bad!