At the end of last year, I found out that Marit Swanson was going to be coming to BFA. I knew she could help lighten my load a bit, but I was honestly a little worried that she would be bored.
Then this year started with auditions for incoming students. After compiling a list of everyone who wanted to take string lessons, we discovered that there were 24! Last year I taught 15 lessons by myself, so this is a huge increase. It would not be possible for me to teach 24 lessons on top of beginning orchestra and band, intermediate and high school orchestra, guitar class, and pit orchestra! Only God knew that we would need another teacher to help cover the load of string lessons plus beginning orchestra!

Trying to do too many things at once can lead to a poor output. When I am overloaded, I don't do anything well!
Sometimes, I have the false impression that I can do more than I am able. I am reminded this year that God is the one truly orchestrating the events of my life. “The Father knows what you need before you ask” (Matt. 6:8). In my case, He knew what I needed before I even knew to ask! He provided help through Marit.
God also provided some help for guitar class. This past week was Spiritual Emphasis Week, and a skilled guitarist came down from IBC of Stuttgart to lead worship. He volunteered to come to guitar class and impart words of wisdom and advice for guitar playing and leading worship.
As I teach the guitar class and dive into the realm of a more unfamiliar instrument, I am constantly reminded that I am relying on God for wisdom and understanding. During this year, I am learning that I am not as great as I think I am, and that God is far greater than I think He is. I do not assign Him enough honor in proportion to His glory. May the scale of my life reflect the weight of His glory more and more accurately!