Music Recital

Saturday was the 2nd Music Recital of the fall. Music recitals give our students a chance to perform their polished pieces on stage for family, friends, and dorm staff.

I opened the recital by reading from 1 Corinthians 4:

5For what(O) we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with(P) ourselves as your servants[b] for Jesus’ sake. 6For God, who said,(Q) “Let light shine out of darkness,”(R) has shone in our hearts to give(S)the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

7But we have this treasure in(T) jars of clay,(U) to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Musical instruments are like jars of clay. The instrument itself isn’t very impressive, but the music that comes out of them displays the treasures of musicianship, practice, and skill. Students performing at the recital gave the audience the treasure of music using unimpressive instruments. Pianos, violins, cello, trumpet and voices became the simple backdrop for beautiful music.

Our lives are much the same. When we have an unimpressive appearance, the treasure of Christ in us looks that much more impressive. When God does a great work through a great person, others often credit that person with doing something amazing. But when God does a great work through humble, insignificant people (jars of clay), He gets all the credit.

I am a jar of clay. Use my simple life to display Your power and glory, Lord!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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