For the Love of Africa

The world’s needs are overwhelming. Hunger, poverty, AIDS, war, terrorism, drought, etc. What can one person do? Most of us look at the problem and see that it’s too great to tackle, so we do nothing.

I read in this post that if 8% of Christians would sponsor a child, all the orphans in the world would be cared for. Compassion International provides a way of connecting people who have money and caring hearts with children all over the world who need financial support. The best part is that there is often more personal interaction – sponsors write letters; children write back and send pictures.

This March, I’m excited to be a part of that Compassion network, although rather than being a distant sponsor, I’ll be the hands and feet of those stay-at-home moms who long to care for the motherless children of Tanzania. For one short week, I’ll be able to be the arms of love hugging the orphans, the laborer making soccer goals for the kids, and a teacher introducing them to  Jesus through VBS and music. See my previous post if you want to be involved in this adventure to Tanzania!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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