Last Small Group

Monday night was our last small group meeting. In some ways, this goodbye was different than others. All our girls are seniors; both Emily and I are moving to the States next year. We’re all leaving together.  No one gets left behind to mourn the emptiness while others move on.

Here’s a brief overview of what we did:

  • Ate dinner (chili)
  • Watched a slideshow of pictures and video clips
  • Sang “Happy Birthday” to 4 of the girls
  • Watched them try to blow out trick candles
  • Ate dessert (mint chocolate ice cream cake)
  • Shared favorite memories of small group
  • Wrote notes to each other, affirming how much we all care about each other
  • Prayed together holding hands and sniffling (“Pop-up prayer! I mean popcorn!”)
  • “Group Hug” = dogpile
  • Goodbye hugs

Proud of the ice cream  cake Trick candes!We will all soon go into different parts of the world: Washington, Texas, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ontario, Georgia, Albania, & Korea. This group of girls is so precious. Emily and I have been blessed to know and love them, and to be known and loved in return.

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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