Where did the time go?
After Grad, there was Israel. Vacation, sun, water, sight-seeing, quality time with my former cello student and her family, and awesome memories with two of my closest friends.
After Israel, there was cleaning, painting, sorting, throwing away, recycling, donating, moving furniture, more cleaning, figuring out rides, helping others move, handing keys over, checking out, last meals and movie nights with friends, hugs, goodbyes.
Now that’s all done. I ran up to a hilltop overlooking Kandern, and my emotions and prayers spilled out in tears and thanksgiving.
From the deepest part of my soul, I am utterly thankful for these last 4 years. I’m so thankful for my best friend and roommate, Emily, who has challenged me and encouraged me like none before. I’m thankful for so many other friends who have talked me through hard times, prayed with me, shared their hearts, laughed, hiked with me, and been present in the fabric of my life. I’m thankful for the students who were a delight to teach, but who also helped me grow as I watched them transform. Many of these dear relationships will continue as we move on from this place.
I’m incredibly thankful for the beauty of this area of Germany. Hiking, camping, running, and living here has been something to treasure. These hills have been my place of solitude and community in turn. I will miss these beautiful views.
Tomorrow we fly out. Where am I going? What am I doing next? I asked God these questions, and asked why I have to leave this home and these people I love.
I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. – John 14:2-3
No matter where God is taking me, He’s not leaving me. He’s taking me to Himself, just as He took me to Himself here. My home is not these hills, and my home is not in Illinois. My home is with God. Walking by faith, I walk into this next chapter of my life, trusting that He knows, and He has already prepared a place for me on this earth and in the life to come.
Dear Jill,
Your blog was our first real intro to Kandern and BFA. Thank you for your four years of service. Thank you for your talent and passion for music. Thank you for your stand for God. I will miss you so. Good-bye and God bless.
Been praying for you all day as I knew it was your last. You may already be up in Germany on the 10th, getting ready to leave. Thanks for the memorable four years of life together! Love you!