Road Trip Day 11

July 13 (Friday) – Relaxing around Redmond

After our adventures around the city, we decided that our last day in Seattle should be pretty low-key. After a morning run, we visited Emily’s friend Phil the coffee roaster, then just relaxed at Emily’s house, played sibling badminton (Emily and her brother vs. David and me), and watched a movie.

What a great way to end a trip to Seattle – walking out with a bunch of freshly roasted coffee! Our car had a natural air freshener the next couple days of travel.

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Road Trip Day 10

July 12 (Thursday) – Seattle Day

Emily and her friend Phil gave David and me a grand tour of Seattle. Along the way, we picked up Kristi and Timmy, two other BFA friends. Partway through the day I split off from the group and played in a rec league soccer game with my friend from Wheaton. Click on the pictures to scroll through the gallery in full-size.

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Road Trip Day 9

July 11 (Wednesday) – Deception Pass-Redmond

After packing up our tents, we explored the bridge over Deception Pass.

Then we headed back to Emily’s home (stopping for coffee and giant ice cream scoops along the way).

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Road Trip Day 8

July 10 (Tuesday) – Sequim-Fort Casey-Deception Pass

We packed up our tent in Sequim (and observed some humorous signs down by the water)….

Took another ferry . . .

Explored Fort Casey (and scared some middle school girls half to death). . .

And ended up at Deception Pass, Emily’s favorite place in the world. We met up with Emily’s parents there.

I guess I got a little sunburned. That evening, someone at the neighboring campsite was playing guitar, so I went over and chatted with them for about an hour. It was a family from Mexico; they recently moved to Washington. I could relate to some of the things the girl went through – learning English, making friends in a new place – it was an encouraging conversation.


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Road Trip Day 7

July 9 (Monday) – Redmond-Ozette-Sequim

David, Emily and I went on a short camping trip in Washington – partly so we could see the Pacific Ocean for the first time, and partly so Emily could show us her favorite place in the world.

To get there, we had to take a ferry! Emily was excited to be on the Puget Sound again. She misses salt water when we’re in Germany.

We drove up to the Ozette trails, which took us out to the westernmost point on the Pacific Ocean.

Now I have an idea of what C.S. Lewis meant when he mentioned a “holiday at the sea.” Why make mud pies when you can step on exploding kelp, chase crabs into marine crevices, and explore miles of driftwood?

We camped overnight in Sequim.


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Road Trip Day 6

July 8 – Seattle (Redmond, Fremont)

We slept in and had a relaxing start to the day in Emily‘s amazing yard. The bonus: she was dog-sitting her brother’s adorable puppy Peter!

Then we met up with another friend from college in the Fremont area. Fremont is an eclectic, artsy, zombie-loving section of downtown Seattle. We ate lunch, had amazing ice cream at Molly Moon’s, and explored the muddy Arboretum (Marsh Island) in our bare feet.

Church was the evening service at Bethany, with Kristi‘s dad preaching on the 2nd half of Colossians 1. It was a pertinent message, especially since I’m working on memorizing the book of Colossians right now. He brought the text to life.

Then in the evening we went to Emily’s favorite spot in Kirkland – a place with large chairs and a nice view of the water.

Photos courtesy of David Musick

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Road Trip Day 5

July 7 – Butte to Seattle.

It was another travel day with driving interspersed with running at rest stops.

Montana had a lot of variety in terrain – this was yet another example:

I had never been this far west before in my life. My first glimpse of Idaho:

Then we entered Washington after a very brief stint through Idaho’s narrow panhandle.

The eastern part of the state was very much a desert.

We met up with Emily and Louise in Leavenworth, the Bavarian town just east of the Cascades. It was a little taste of Germany in Washington! We also had a little taste of some delicious caramel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory – we sat on the cool riverbank and munched on our treat while watching people paddle by.

Then we made it to Emily’s home in Seattle. I finally got to see the place that Emily has been raving about for the last year!

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Road Trip Day 4

July 6 – Yellowstone!

We actually had a grand adventure on Highway 112 before even going in the Northeast Entrance. The Beartooth Pass was beautiful! I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

We camped in Butte, Montana that night.

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Road Trip Day 3

July 5 – travel day: Princeton, Minnesota to Red Lodge, Montana.

David drove the whole way because he finds it more interesting. To cope with the long hours in the car, I read books, sleep, eat snacks, listen to books on tape, and take pictures of funny road signs. Every time we stopped for gas, food, or restroom, I put on my running shoes and ran for 7-8 minutes (approximately a mile by my estimation). That movement saved my muscles from that awful cramped yet restless feeling!

We camped just outside Red Lodge, Montana, which is just outside Yellowstone. We set up the tent in record time, probably due in part to the gentle moisture descending upon our heads from the ominous clouds.

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Road Trip Day 2

On the 4th of July, I had the chance to meet with friends old and new.

I met a friend from college for breakfast, then my Bible study leaders from high school for lunch in Minneapolis. It was great to catch up on life and share stories from BFA with them all.

Then in the afternoon, David’s girlfriend Elizabeth had most of her family over to the house. We played in the pool, had root beer floats, and set off fireworks once it got dark.

Photos courtesy of David.

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