
Yesterday was my birthday, and what a fun day!

It started at midnight when I was skyping my Mom & she was the first to wish me a happy birthday! Then in the morning after a few short hours of sleep, I discovered 2 giant cookies on the table with a note from Rachel saying “Happy Birthday.” At school, Katie put up a sign on my door:

During orchestra, Katie and Suzanne burst into the room as we were about to sight-read a piece. They sang “Happy Birthday” and gave me the most amazing tasting mocha-cake! I shared it with all the students I saw.

God blessed me with amazing weather for my birthday. In the afternoon I walked off some of my would-be hyperness. It was gorgeous fall weather!!!

At 4:00, the entire school piled into 5 buses and went to Basel for Herbstmesse (Fall Fair).

I wandered around with Katie, Heather, and Brittany.

We went on the ferris wheel and got a good view of Basel at twilight.

There was a random gnome in a kids’ swan ride. Rather entertaining! It was slightly less creepy than the broken gnome I had found earlier on my walk!

There was good food all around – I got a Starbucks Iced Chai Tea Latte, Currywurst for dinner, and cinnamon-sugar-roasted almonds.

We finished off the night with bumper cars.

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Let the Askings Begin

Christmas Banquet is in one month, which means that this week is traditionally when boys begin to ask girls to be their dates to banquet. Boys as BFA ask in such elaborate ways that “asking” has become a noun!

Yesterday one of my cellists walked in beaming. The first words out of his mouth: “I asked a girl!” He was successful in securing his date to banquet.

Today, one of my girls walked in to orchestra with a teddy bear, a bouquet of pink roses, a bar of chocolate, and a paper crane folded out of a piece of staff paper upon which the boy had written music notes AND some Korean phrases. The boy, who happens to be another violinist, is not Korean, but he decided to impress her with a few words he has learned.

These “askings” may set girls up to expect a lot out of guys. What will they do if a marriage proposal later in life is not as creative as a banquet asking? Will they hand back the ring and say, “try again”? And what about these guys? Some of them seem to use their creativity to the extreme now; will they be able to think of anything better for a proposal? Why not save the “best idea ever” for someone even more special than a banquet date?

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Music Recital

Yesterday was our first Music Recital of the school year. My intermediate group started off the program with a fun piece, then the high school orchestra played Celtic Fiddle Tune. Thanks to the Fungs for these videos!

Middle school handbells:

The whole recital was fun and had a good atmosphere to it. One student played the Super Mario Theme – with a video projected onto the screen! At the end he even played the notes for the coins ringing up the points!

Katie and I finished the program with a little flute/violin duet:

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Music & Food

This weekend was a fun little event for the high school orchestra. We played Mendelssohn’s “3 Geistliche Lieder” in honor of an organ dedication at a Mennonite church in Basel. We had a dress rehearsal on Saturday night, then the actual service on Sunday morning. New fancy organ + two church choirs + BFA orchestra + lots of really good food = a good time!

Unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures of us playing because I was to busy playing viola. . . .

The kids were really tired after playing. It must be because they had to be at school at 8am on a Sunday morning. How atrocious!

They slept the entire van ride back to school, dreaming happy dreams with full stomachs.

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Nursing Home Visits

I have visited the nursing home twice in the last two weeks! Last Wednesday I took the high school orchestra over there….

And today I brought my intermediate orchestra. They played very well, and a couple of the people in the nursing home commented that they made a very big sound for being so young.

After performing, a couple of the kids wanted to play their instruments outside because it was such a nice day. So we went and played a mini-concert outside! Instead of getting chairs for the cellists, we used a couple old tree stumps.

One of my violinists decided he wanted to sit on top of the dumpster while playing! He had a great time, and his dad got a video of us playing!

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This weekend was the Junior Class trip to Normandy. It was a trip full of history & fun and lacking in sleep & showers.

We left Thursday evening, drove through the night, and arrived in Normandy on Friday morning. Imagine trying to sleep on a stuffy bus with a bunch of excited teenagers!

We had breakfast at a rest stop on the way.

There were 5 beaches invaded on D-Day (June 6, 1944): Utah (invaded by US troops), Omaha (US), Gold (British), Juno (Canadian), and Sword (British).

Our first stop in Normandy was the Canadian cemetery from World War I. The cemetery had a very personal feel to it; families of the soldiers put a meaningful quote on the gravestones. Some of them were particularly moving. I couldn’t help but think that these could have been my brothers if I had lived during that time.

Then we drove to Juno Beach to learn a bit more about the role of the Canadians in the Normandy invasion.

After lunch, we drove to Arromanches. The Allies created an artificial harbor here in order to supply the troops of the 5 beaches with supplies. It was fascinating to learn how they pulled floating roads across the English Channel and used a smoke screen to make the harbor in complete secrecy!

Next, we drove to a gun emplacement in Longues-sur-Mer, between the beaches Omaha and Gold. The heavy artillery here was part of Hitler’s “Atlantic Wall” protecting the coast from invasions. By creating the artificial harbors, the Allies snuck into the weak spots in the Atlantic Wall.

I’m sure the kids learned a lot from this trip, but they sure had fun too!

We finally made it to our campsite. We had the whole place to ourselves because it was closed for winter holidays. Some of the kids went and jumped in the ocean while the rest of us set up for dinner and played games. Unfortunately, there was no hot water. Some people took cold showers, but after lots of rain all day I didn’t feel much like taking one. Then we set up our sleeping bags and ate dinner (40 pizzas).

The entire group slept in one room in sleeping bags on the floor. I don’t know how we managed to fit 62 people into this place!

After watching film clips from Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, we went to sleep – or at least, most of us went to sleep. Some of the other sponsors were awakened several times due to snoring, sleep talking, and kids getting up to go to the bathroom. I slept incredibly well that night (a solid 9 hours!), but only because of pure exhaustion.

Saturday morning we woke up, ate breakfast, packed lunches, and went to the German cemetery.

It had a very different feel than the Canadian cemetery. It was dark and somber, and less personal.

Next we went to the American cemetery.

It reminded me of other American monuments & memorials, like the Arlington National Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial.

The American cemetery overlooks Omaha Beach (scene of Saving Private Ryan).

All the cemeteries had crosses; it’s the universal symbol for death. Yet each one reflected a different culturally appropriate way to grieve. The Canadian cemetery was very personal and preserved the memory of the individuals who died and the families they left behind; the German cemetery evoked a kind of reverent sadness and general darkness; the American cemetery  honors the dead and reminds us that their deaths brought about a greater good. The Canadian cemetery made me want to cry for the lives lost; the German cemetery made me want to be silent and ponder heavy things; the American cemetery made me want to stand proud and shout about the triumph of those who fought and died.

Next, we drove to Pointe du Hoc, another German outpost in the Atlantic Wall.  Located between Utah and Omaha beaches, the Germans had a prime location to shoot at both. The Americans scaled the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc early on D-Day in order to destroy the guns and make it safer for the Utah and Omaha invasions. Unfortunately, they did not know that the guns had already been moved; despite the setback, they eventually searched them out and destroyed them.

Next, we drove to the Paratroopers Museum at St. Mere Eglise. The paratroopers parachuted into areas around the Normandy beaches on June 5 in order to take out some of the German defenses.

Some of the pilots were disoriented in the bad weather, so they dropped the men in the wrong place. One guy was caught on a church steeple in St. Mere Eglise! Germans shot at him as he hung there, so he pretended to be dead and eventually got down and escaped.

Our last stop of the day was Utah Beach, about a kilometer away from our campsite.

We explored the museum and then took lots of jumping pictures on the beach.

After all the pictures were done, we walked back to camp. By then there was hot water for showers, but I had already given away my towel to a girl in my group who had forgotten hers, so I skipped yet another shower.

That night we got a bit less sleep, but I still slept very soundly. There’s something about traveling with a bunch of teenagers that just exhausts me. I think it’s the constant noise of talking.

Sunday morning we woke up early (6am), packed everything up, ate breakfast, made lunches, loaded the bus, and drove to Paris. On the bus I sat with a group of kids and played Catch Phrase and Telephone Pictionary (the game where everyone starts with a blank piece of paper, writes a sentence, then passes the paper to the next person, then everyone draws a picture, then everyone writes a sentence based on the picture….). The noise is much more bearable if you’re a part of it. The bus drivers thought an alarm was going off when we were playing Catch Phrase! We also told a couple epic stories (each person says one sentence) about General Miner of Ugardistan (fictitious country), the Ottoman Empire, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gypsies, a giant Trojan Peach, a lady with 64 alien cats and 1 litter box, Wibbles the invisible jellyfish, Soviet nukes, and Gertrude Bell.

We got to Paris around 12:45pm. Our first stop there was the Louvre!

Though the Mona Lisa was the most famous piece there, my group was more excited about the Easter Island Head.

My orchestra student H.J. wasn’t in the above picture, but here he is with a smiling sarcophagus:

Next we walked to the Notre Dame cathedral.

We had to take the metro to get to the Sacre-Coeur. Unfortunately, a couple pick-pocketers caught wind of our large group of students and made off with some money from 2 of our students. Fortunately it was not a huge amount, but the rest of the day everyone was really careful! Here’s a shot of me with one of the pick-pocket victims in front of the Sacre-Coeur:

The next destination was the Arc de Triomphe. We had only a short metro ride with no pick-pocketing incidents. However, just as we came out of the metro, a group of hip-hop dancers invited us to a show. The kids loved it and the group loved how we created an instant crowd, but it took a bit of maneuvering to get the students away from the show and on to our destination!

When Napoleon went around conquering cities, he kept a careful record. He decided to list all the names of the conquered cities on the Arc de Triomphe. One of those cities is right near Kandern!

In the town of Schliengen, there is a building with a cannonball from Napoleon’s army.

After watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle at 9pm from the top of the Arc de Triomphe, we explored the Champs-Elysees, ate dinner, then walked to the Eiffel Tower. We spent our time from midnight to 12:45 hanging out under the famous landmark of Paris.

The kids amused themselves by playing Ninja. It’s a somewhat complicated game to explain, but simple enough to play. It requires fast reflexes!

At 1am we were all on the bus and we headed home!

It was an exhausting trip, but well worth it. I got to know the Juniors better, and now I have some more ideas for our orchestra field trip to Paris next month!

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Musick Notes #017

Newsletter 017

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130 Eggs

This afternoon I went to Kaufland with Susan Powell and Valerie Griesse. Our mission: to collect most of the food needed for the Normandy trip. This involved 3 carts overflowing with bread, jelly, juice boxes, cucumbers, candy bars, Nutella, cheese, yogurt, hot dogs, buns, coffee, creamer, sugar, paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils, granola, chips, and eggs. We were quite proud of ourselves – we pushed our loads in style!

When we loaded up the van, it was quite an impressive sight:

We still have to buy the meat, more hot dog buns (we emptied the shelf but there weren’t enough), bananas, and a few other things.

I got a small glimpse of what it is like to be on the ResLife side of things – buying large amounts of food for large groups of people!

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Every Monday in orchestra is a listening/discussion/devotional day. It’s a good way to start the week – let the kids relax, but get them thinking.

Today I played “Meadows of Heaven” by the band Nightwish. Here are the lyrics:

I close my eyes
The lantern dies
The scent of awakening
Wild honey and dew

Childhood games
Woods and lakes
Streams of silver
Toys of olden days

Meadows of heaven

The flowers of wonder
And the hidden treasures
In the meadow of life
My acre of Heaven
A five-year-old winter heart
In a place called home
Sailing the waves of old

Meadows of heaven

Rocking chair without a dreamer
A wooden swing without laughter?
Sandbox without toy soldiers
Yuletide without the Flight

Dreambound for life

Flowers wither, treasures stay hidden
Until I see the first star of fall

I fall asleep
And see it all:
Mother’s care
And colour of the kites

Meadows of heaven

The song is about memories of childhood and the happy times of life. It is from the perspective of an old or middle-aged person looking back on life, remembering his/her toys, games, and mother’s care. The meadow of heaven is a metaphor for these happy memories of life. When you’re living in the happy moments, it’s like you are standing in that field, smelling the “wild honey and dew” and seeing the “flowers of wonder and the hidden treasure.” Yet later in life, it is bittersweet. Those “flowers wither, treasures stay hidden.” The happy times are no longer accessible; they are just dreams and memories. What despair – to be “dreambound for life”!

The songwriter looked back on happy memories and felt the pain of loss. As one of my students said today, “It’s sad. You can never go back.” Memories are just that – intangible reminders of something you once had.  This is why homesickness is so painful. You remember all the good things of family and home, but they are unattainable.

Without the hope of a REAL Meadow of Heaven (an eternity with God), it can be depressing to look back on life because all you see is the loss of what you once had. Thankfully, as believers we can look forward to the true Meadow of Heaven, where the beauty of God will be beyond flowers that wither, and there will be no more loss.

From a worldly perspective, the end of life is decay – “flowers wither, treasures stay hidden.” That particular line reminded me of the verse that says “The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of our God stands forever” (1 Peter 1:24-25). If we put our hope in earthly memories, they will all fade. But if we hope in God, we will have an eternity of exploring what is now hidden. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

I just finished reading “Out of the Silent Planet” by C.S. Lewis. He provides an interesting view on memories. As Dr. Ransom explores the planet Malacandra, he meets a species of inexplicably contented beings. He asks them to explain why they do not incessantly wish for more of the good things they have. Here is the explanation:

“A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. You are speaking, [Human], as if the pleasures were one thing and the memory another. It is all one thing. What you call remembering is the last part of the pleasure. When you and I met, the meeting was over very shortly, it was nothing. Now it is growing something as we remember it. But still we know very little about it. What it will be when I remember it as I lie down to die, what it makes in me all my days till then — that is the real meeting. The other is only the beginning of it.”

Our memories shape us into who we are and become part of the fabric of our lives. Rather than seeing memories as loss of the real thing, we can see the memory as part of the substance.

At this point in the discussion, I asked the students to consider the people in the nursing home (we will be performing there this Wednesday). During our discussion, they realized that those people in the nursing home have many memories from their entire lives. It can be frustrating to remember what your experiences but to be trapped in a body that can no longer do what it used to do.

I think my students (and most people) tend to think of old people as something different, almost alien. They have a hard time even seeing them as people. Today, though, I think they started to actually identify with the people in the nursing home. That identification came partly with fear and resistance. One of my students said, “I don’t want to get old!” when she realized that she will probably get old one day and quite possibly feel trapped and confined. Another student offered a different perspective – “But it’s good to get old, because it means you didn’t die in the middle of your life.”

This Wednesday when we perform, our music may be a link to some of the memories of the past. It may stir up emotions, or it may be a pure escape from the walls of the nursing home. Our music will bless the elderly people at the nursing home, but I pray that the students will also gain a new appreciation for them and for all the memories they have to offer.

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Happy day

Why today was a happy day:

1. It was not Monday. We did not have school yesterday (Fall break), so we started the week with a Tuesday! Most of the kids came to school looking more rested and happy than they usually do on a Tuesday.

2. My intermediate orchestra is tons of fun! There are already some nicknames that have developed, and the kids are just having a blast playing together! We got to the end, I said, “Time to pack up!” and a couple of the kids said, “Awww! I wanna keep going!”

3. It was sunny today, and after orchestra I hiked into the woods and read a few chapters of Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis. Yay for both hiking and reading a good book!

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