This Week

This week we have all-staff conference. The entire staff of BFA meets Monday and Tuesday mornings. We worship together and listen to testimonies of how God brough people to BFA. This morning it was wonderful to hear how God’s perfect timing brought the other teachers, staff, RAs, and dorm parents here. We only see a small piece of the puzzle, and it is times like this that allow us to get a glimpse of the bigger picture. Tomorrow I will be sharing my story of how God brought me to BFA.

This week is also a time to finalize preparations for students. I will be finishing up my orchestra syllabus, organizing music and choosing music for the semester, and doing everything I can to be prepared for the school year to start! Our first day of school is August 25th. For the first two weeks, I will only be teaching the orchestra class. During this time, we will have auditions for the private lesson students so I can get a feel for their current playing levels, strengths, weaknesses, personalities, etc. I am looking forward to meeting the students! Please pray for peace as I prepare for the school year to begin.

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Hike to Sausenburg

On Sunday afternoon after attending German church and eating a massive lunch at the Munzer Kebap, I went hiking to Sausenburg with Amanda Kelly, an RA at Palmgarten (the dorm up the road from my house).


Sitting on the wall in front of the castle ruin

Sitting on the wall in front of the castle ruin

The sun was really bright. Apparently, lizards like the sunshine!


Lizard on rocks

Lizard on rocks

The lizard let me get my hand about a centimeter away from its face. It must not have realized that my hand was connected to the rest of me!


Sousenburg window

Sausenburg window

It was yet another beautiful day, and we have been thanking God for the sunshine and blue skies.

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Spaghetti for dessert??

On Saturday, Rachel and I went with Suzanne (BFA’s music department head) into the nearby city of Lörrach. I played Digeridoo in a music store; Rachel and I ate currywurst for lunch, visited a resale shop, and saw the weekly market.


Market flowers

Market flowers

We came back to Kandern. It was a very beautiful day, and we can hardly believe that this is our new home!


Flowers along the street

Flowers along the street

That evening, we went to the Italienischer EisCafe – the ice cream shop down the street. It has novelty ice creams, including Spaghetti Eis. Rachel was very excited about our dessert!




I’m sure we will be making many more trips to the EisCafe!

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Basel Trip


On Friday, the new staff had the opportunity to take a trip into Basel, Switzerland.  There was a music festival going on that night, so people crowded the banks of the Rhein river.


Basel Music Festival

Basel Music Festival

Many of the shops had very interesting things for sale….


Swiss Army Knives

Swiss Army Knives


Staring up at the cathedral

Staring up at the cathedral

Musik Hug

We felt very touristy  pointing out pocket knives, staring upward into space,  and taking random pictures of buildings, but it was a very enjoyable experience! 

At the end of the evening, we took a ferry across the Rhein. This is my roommate Rachel on the wall overlooking the Rhein.


Rachel overlooking the Rhein

Rachel overlooking the Rhein

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Wander in Kandern

I arrived in Kandern on July 28th. Jet lag was thankfully a non-issue, and I have been able to settle into my apartment fairly quickly.

Last week, the new staff at BFA had a crash course in German language and culture, which involved several “field trips” to places like the bank, city hall, and a local restaurant. 

Outside of class, my host helped me get adjusted into the community. After signing several papers to become a legal resident of Kandern and to obtain a visa, she helped me get my German bank account, set up a telephone/internet plan (though service does not start until the 18th of August!), set up electricity, and enjoy ice cream from the local Eis Cafe!

There are many outlets for my energy: hiking and running on forest trails, playing soccer on Sunday nights, and a morning workout group during the week. I am thankful that God has seen fit to bring me to a place where not only am I able to meet the needs of the students, but the place is also a beautiful fit for my personality and interests.


Path to the gazebo up the hill

Path to the gazebo up the hill

34 Butterflies flower


My roommate, Rachel Bertschi, arrived last Friday. We already are making plans to have the coolest house ever. We want to open our apartment to RAs so they can get down-time from the dorms and hang out with people their own age. We have an ideal location in central Kandern, just a 5 minute walk from 2 of the dorms and a 10 minute walk from the school. We hope to be a blessing to other staff members in addition to the students!

On Sunday, I attended the German-speaking church up the road. Though I could not follow everything, the PowerPoint helped and I was able to understand what the sermon was about. There were many warm German handshakes as I introduced myself, and the young people’s group quickly made me feel welcome. 

This week we have New Staff Orientation. In addition to sessions designed to orient us to BFA’s unique culture, I will be settling into my office/studio. Yesterday we visited the elementary campus in the neighboring town of Sitzenkirch. Today we signed up for German insurance and discussed the BFA calendar, among other things.

– Wednesday: We will go to sessions on BFA activities, our philosophy of Christian education, and our handbook, and I will be meeting with the music department head to discuss the coming year. 

– Thursday: Sessions on educational philosophy/goals, professional development, lesson plans, and a driving tour of the dorms.

– Friday: Sessions on syllabus, first unit plan, and a trip into Basel, Switzerland.

Next week will be all-staff conference and preparing for classes!

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My New Home


This is the front of my house.

This is the front of my house.


People here really do put Gartenzwerge (gnomes) in their gardens!

People here really do put Gartenzwerge (gnomes) in their gardens!


I live on Ziegelstrasse.

I live on Ziegelstrasse.

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Hallo Germany!

I’m in Kandern right now! The town is beautiful and the people are friendly. I have been settling into my apartment the last couple days, filling out paperwork to live in the town of Kandern, hiking around, and saying “Morgen!” to people out walking their dogs in the morning.

As soon as I get internet in my apartment I’ll put some pictures up.

Bis bald!

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Goodbye, Illinois!


Grace Church friends at goodbye party

Grace Church friends at goodbye party

I’ll be leaving for Germany in a few hours. This is my last post in Illinois!


The last week has been full of packing and spending time with family and friends. I will miss the people and places, but I am looking forward to the adventures ahead in Kandern!

Goodbye Wheaton, West Chicago, Grace Church, and all my friends and family! 


Home sweet home

Home sweet home


My family - I'll miss you!!!!!

My family - I'll miss you!!!!!

More pictures of home to come later…. I am leaving for the airport now!!

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A Weekend with Family

This past weekend, I spent some time with my brother Erich and his fiancee. At the Pick’n’Save down the street from his apartment, there was something amazing! I was really excited to see this little friend, but I wish I had been able to find him before the college group retreat. Oh, well.


Gnome at Pick'n'Save

Gnome at Pick'n'Save


On Sunday I went to the Warren Dunes in Michigan with the rest of my family. My other brother David and I ran up and down the large dune a couple times. He  had some spectacular jumps off the edge of the dunes. We discovered that seagulls can catch pieces of animal cracker in the air if you toss them at just the right time in their direction. We rounded off the day by watching the sun set on Lake Michigan from the top of the dune .

It was good to have some quality family time this weekend. I am trying to treasure every moment I have with friends and family since I will be leaving so soon! I have gotten my plane ticket; I depart for Germany next Monday, July 27.

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Musick Notes 006

Newsletter 006

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