This weekend was packed full of fun!
On Saturday I went with Amanda Kelly (RA at Maug), Janis, and Grace to Müllheim and Staufen. Müllheim is a town on the way from Kandern to Staufen.
We saw some unusual things in Müllheim. There was the creepy clown dancing…..
and some nice trees (rather small)
After spending a bit of time in Müllheim, we went on to Staufen. There was a historical fair (kind of like a Renaissance fair) going on in the town. The first thing we saw when we got out of the car was a pair of Musketeers hacking away at a stick in the bushes by the side of the road. Apparently they needed that branch for something, and what else would you do with those swords?
There were many interesting sights to see, with the Staufeners dressed up as people from all eras. There were animals in the streets (horses carrying princesses, goats and ponies being led by small children, dogs following their masters, and many others.

Sheep turn out to be useful as their wool can be brushed and spun into thread on the spinning wheel.
There was a lot of music around town, too. From the marching bands announcing victory down the streets to the traveling Medieval minstrels, there was always something interesting to hear.
We also hiked up the hill to the castle ruins.
Finally, there was a torchlight parade in the evening. As 1000 years of history paraded before us, we were glad to have experienced a historical celebration in one of the actual places where the historical events happened.
Jill, the captions on your photos made my night 🙂 Perhaps that means I’m tired, lol.
I miss you!!!