Carols in Blumenplatz

It was cold yesterday – cold enough to snow! I was excited to see snow, but it made for an interesting time in the evening.

Stadtmusik Kandern played Christmas carols in the Blumenplatz at 8pm. I hadn’t been feeling that great all day, and sitting outside in the cold did not help. Sitting in the cold with a large, cold piece of metal in my lap did not help either. Tubas do not warm up, even if you breathe warm air into them.

We performed some traditional German carols as well as "International" carols (English, American, and French)

We performed some traditional German carols as well as "International" carols (English, American, and French)

After playing I recovered some heat by sitting at a fire. One of the booths sold dough on a stick to roast in the fires! I thawed while watching people roast their toast.

Yum.... bread on a stick!

Yum.... bread on a stick!

(Rachel actually took these pictures – I was at a different fire)

There were some animals in the Blumenplatz, too. Rachel made friends with them.

The calf apparently liked Rachel

The calf apparently liked Rachel

When I scurried home with my tuba, all the animals jumped to the other side of their pens. That big instrument is kind of scary!

I wish David had been here for this. He would have liked the fire.

He’s coming today, though!!! His plane has landed (late, but it’s in Frankfurt). He should be here in a couple hours!!!!!!!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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