Christmas Parties

Yesterday was the last day of school for the high school. Since we had just had the Christmas concert, I decided that the last day of orchestra should be a Christmas party!

We brought in food and juice, wore slippers, and cut out paper snowflakes. I showed them how to fold the paper to get the 6 sided snowflakes.

Wearing slippers and cheerfully making snowflakes

Wearing slippers and cheerfully making snowflakes

Both of them were creative and made some really fun snowflakes! My cellist had taken an origami class in Korea, so she quickly picked up on the folding part of the snowflakes.

Folding with precision

Folding with precision

We decorated the windows, music stands, and my mirrors with snowflakes and the scraps left behind.

My office turned into a winter wonderland

My office turned into a winter wonderland

It was a fun ending to a great semester with lots of learning, improvement, and enjoyment of music.

In the evening, Rachel and I went to a Charlie Brown Christmas party.

We read through the script (with the help of a few props)

Linus and his blanket

Linus and his blanket

There was food, fun, and friendship, so it was a good time.

The group studies the script

The group studies the script

We tried to get the Charlie Brown Christmas from iTunes, but there were some issues with the computer, so we ended up watching parts of it on YouTube. Oh, the irony – we try to get away from commercializing Christmas, and we get frustrated because we can’t get a movie onto the computer!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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