You Know You Live in Germany When….#5

You know you live in Germany when dogs accompany their owners everywhere.

German dogs are really well-behaved, so it is not unusual to see a retriever lying at its owners feet at a restaurant.

David and I saw this dog on a train.

Sleeping pooch

Sleeping pooch

The owners just dropped his leash and let him sleep right there. They weren’t even worried about him running off!

If Buddy were here in Germany, I would not be able to take him everywhere the German dogs go. He’s just not trained as well as they are. One squirrel and he’s outta there!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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