You Know You Live in Germany When…#8

You know you live in Germany when the people around you are direct and blunt, and it is not considered rude.

When Rachel had her party with the middle schoolers, the mayor (our landlord) came downstairs and rang our doorbell. We thought for sure he was going to say something about the noise (you can’t keep 24 8th graders quiet), but that was not the issue.

With this many wild 8th graders in the house, what else could be the problem?

He took me over to the side of the house and showed me 2 bicycles the students had left in the bushes. He said, “These bicycles should not be here. The may go in front of the house, but not in the garden.” He watched as I moved both bikes to the front of the house, then said, “That is much better for the flowers.”

In the States, it might be considered rude to just tell someone point-blank that they have to move their bikes. It would at least be prefaced with an apology, or “I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with you as a person….” but not here! They’re honest without having to put a fake face on it. They can say something helpful without having to worry about offending someone. They tell it like it is. I think I appreciate that quality of German culture, even if it creates the occasional awkward situation or embarrassing moment for an American who is not used to the directness!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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One Response to You Know You Live in Germany When…#8

  1. Kristine Corpus says:

    I think I would like that too! Hope you are treasuring your time there! Praying to be in Prague by August, and maybe we’ll get to see you! God Bless.

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