Cleaning up

On Monday I did a bunch of laundry for the TeachBeyond English Camps that had been going on this summer. After piles upon piles of flat sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases, big towels, face towels, and wash cloths, I was pretty tired out. It was rewarding to get them all packed away, though.

Laundry machines

The washing machines and dryers were bumping along for several hours in this room! Now I know how the RAs feel when they do laundry for 25 teenage boys....

folded laundry

Here is a small sampling of the stacks of sheets.

The rest of this week I’ve been getting stuff ready for the coming year. On Thursday, I went to the violin repair shop in Staufen with one of my students and her mom. I had some bows to rehair, and she is looking to buy a new violin. I helped her evaluate the violins and discuss the various options. After going to the shop, we stopped at a nice little cafe in Staufen!

Cafe Decker

Cafe Decker has excellent ice cream, Eiskaffee, and chocolate cake. We all enjoyed ourselves here.

view of bridge as we ate

We ate outside; we had a view of this scenic little bridge over the creek.

This week I had wanted to get a new bookshelf so my big binders could stand upright and not slide around in little messy piles. Katie heard my plea for a new bookshelf and mentioned that she had one sitting in her basement that would work! Today I went up to her apartment and checked it out. It was good.

carrying book shelf

We carried her old bookshelf across town. It's a good thing it didn't rain this morning!

new bookshelf's home

Here is the new home for the bookshelf. The binders fit much better there - and I have plenty more room to expand! I'm planning on putting some ivy on top of the shelf.

pictures and cards

Behind Gustav's ghastly face is a thing of beauty. Or it will be. I plan to clip pictures and cards on the ribbon to have my good memories accessible to everyone! Right now it just looks like a tornado threw a bunch of pieces of paper against the wall.


On the wall you can see my new black and red poster. It reads "Music gives wings to the mind and flight to the imagination."

studio door

I found this random inspirational piece of a book cover and stuck it on my door. "Every individual matters; Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference, And we have a choice: What sort of difference do we want to make?

Amidst the redecorating, I have been making plans for high school orchestra, intermediate orchestra, and beginning orchestra! Though the number of students currently signed up for high school orchestra is only 4, I will be having a few kids come into orchestra twice a week or so. There is much up in the air right now. Nothing will be official until the second week of classes when kids can no longer change their schedules! I also don’t know how many kids will be doing the beginning orchestra, since many parents were unsure at the end of last school year. Next week I’ll be calling lots of parents to finalize my numbers!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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