Thanksgiving & Christmas

There was a very quick turnover between Thanksgiving and Christmas for me this year!

I celebrated Thanksgiving 3 times- on November 16 at HBR, on Thanksgiving Day at Viki Payton’s house, and on the day after Thanksgiving at the Greenhoes’ house.

HBR Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving with the Greenies:

The day after Thanksgiving, the Advent season was ushered in with a beautiful snowfall. The kids at school had fun with it . . .

So did I . . .

I took a snowy hike on Saturday to fully enjoy the winter wonderland!

Then Saturday night was Christmas Banquet! The theme this year was ‘Masquerade Ball.’ It seems a bit early to start celebrating Christmas, but we only have 2 more weeks of school before finals, so there isn’t much time left to have a good school-wide Christmas celebration. We took pictures, ate hors d’oeuvres  and desserts, watched performances of music and poetry, viewed the granting of Christmas Wishes, had time for waltzing, and generally enjoyed seeing everyone all dressed up and looking fine!

My violin student A.C.

Amanda Kelly, RA at Maug

Katie Roberts and I played/sang ‘Mary Did You Know’ at the end of the evening.

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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One Response to Thanksgiving & Christmas

  1. David Musick says:

    Leider haben wir noch keinen Schnee gehabt. Vielleicht werden wir ein paar Schneeflocken heute Abend haben, aber werden wir keine echte Schneefall bis zum Dezember haben! Ich will einen heftigen Schneesturm haben.

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