‘Tis the season to be jolly!

Even amidst the concerts and general end-of-the-year busyness, BFA manages to have a fun time. Our jollity expresses itself in generally wholesome ways, despite being high in sugar content.

Here are some of the recent parties:

1. Orchestra party – On Monday after the Christmas concert, we listened to music and ate sugary food. I brought in a Mocha Brownie Torte. It was completely devoured by the end of the day!

2. Charlie Brown Christmas Party – On Monday night, Viki Payton (Spanish teacher) had her 3rd Annual Charlie Brown Christmas Party. We read through the script with the aid of a few props (Linus’ blanket, a music box for Schroeder…). Then we gathered around her laptop with snacks to watch the real thing. Fun fact: This year is the 45th anniversary of the original Christmas special!

Viki, the mastermind behind the eventEmily and Kristi, aka Linus and SnoopySuzanne and Isaac, aka Charlie Brown and Frieda (with the naturally curly hair)3. Hauskreis Christmas Party – On Tuesday night my German small group met and exchanged white elephant gifts (I ended up with a death metal CD), ate Christmas food, and watched the Polar Express.

There will be more jollity and frivolity in the next two weeks, so stay tuned to hear about my Christmas cheer!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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