A New Semester

The fourth semester of my time here at BFA has begun, and with it a few small changes.

I have first period Study Hall once again. I didn’t have study hall last semester, so it’s only a small change from last semester.

HBR (Haus Bad Riedlingen, the boys’ dorm I help in every other week) has a few new guys, one of whom is a violinist! Last Monday I met him and convinced him to join orchestra. It was his second day at BFA, so I hope he wasn’t too overwhelmed! Check out Greg’s blog to see more about HBR.

The High School Orchestra had only 3 kids signed up again, so rather than attempting to wrangle kids in from other classes once or twice a week, I decided to move orchestra to its old slot before school. Unfortunately, this means we only get one day a week (Tuesdays) for 45 minutes (8am-8:45) when kids are rather sleepy. Fortunately, all the kids who come are dedicated enough to meet before school.

Since I don’t have orchestra every day any more, my schedule feels more free. I already feel less stressed about the semester!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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