Easter Reflections

Random thoughts about Easter (based on sermons by John Piper, Tim Keller, and Markus Gulden):

– The resurrection of Jesus was physical. Our own resurrection at the end of all time will be just as physical – new bodies, new earth. This means that we shouldn’t lament any lack here on this earth (like never getting to see the Grand Canyon before dying), because whatever we have in Heaven will be exponentially greater than whatever we miss here on this imperfect earth.

– Jesus’ resurrection was unique. Lazarus was still tangled in his grave clothes; Jesus’ grave clothes were merely left behind because He passed through them. His resurrection power was different – Lazarus rose to die again, but Jesus rose to a new realm beyond death. He is the firstborn from the dead.

– The stone was rolled away from the tomb entrance. Why? Not so Jesus could get out; he was walking through walls. It was so Mary and the disciples could get in and see that He was no longer there!

– Luke noted that Jesus ate broiled fish to prove Jesus’ bodily resurrection. If he were inventing a resurrection story, why would he put in that “broiled” observation? He’s simply reporting details, not inventing a story.

– Nobody today really knows where Jesus’ tomb is. Normally, the tombs of prophets and sages would become shrines or veneration sites. Why didn’t Jesus’ disciples venerate him at his tomb? Probably because he wasn’t there any more! Why commemorate a living person?

– Jesus wouldn’t be precious to us if He were still dead. If he’s gone for good, all that is precious is the memory of him. Christianity is not about a memory; it’s about a living God!

– Easter is not about the battle of good and evil. We often see Jesus as Lord of the good things, and the devil as cause of the bad things in our lives. Yet He is Lord of our weakness and strength; in our weakness we reveal His strength. He is Lord of life and death; in our death we find the gateway to eternal life through Him.

Finally, a friend sent me a link to this YouTube video about following Jesus on Twitter. Enjoy!

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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