Lessons from a Dog

After 4 weeks of wriggling excitement in the morning, furry kisses, walks in all kinds of weather, discovering socks in places I did not leave them, picking up stinky squishy piles with a plastic bag, removing chew toys from my bed every night before going to sleep, and play wrestling with a miniature cloud, my time with Leah is now over. I passed her on to the next dog-sitting family. During her stay in the Green House, the sweet little dog has reminded me of a couple important lessons.

There are reasons for the leash. Sometimes, God holds me back from something I want to do, and I don’t understand. He’s protecting me from running out into the street and getting hurt. Other times, He’s trying to teach me to stay close to Him. I couldn’t let Leah off the leash because she wouldn’t come when I call her. Sometimes God is calling me to Himself, but even with the leash I’m trying to run the other way. His leash is a gentle reminder that He wants me to come to Him and spend time with Him.

Time with God doesn’t have to be active. Leah likes to just sit in my lap while I work at the computer or read a book. She enjoys my presence, even if we’re not doing anything else. Shouldn’t I enjoy God’s presence the same way? Can’t I just sit there and “be” with Him?

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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