Asia Wok

Recently, we found out that the local Asian restaurant in town is closing down in November; it has been closed more often lately as well. Whenever we find out it’s closed, our typical reactions are that of disgust at the inconvenience it causes us. And when I found out it was closing, I thought, “Where am I going to get my Asian food now?”

Tonight as I was walking home from soccer, the thought came to me: “What about the family that owns the restaurant? Is their closing a mere ‘inconvenience’?” Their closing down could be due to financial troubles (as many businesses in Kandern face that problem), or family issues, or other personal reasons. Whatever the reason is, I’m quite sure that it affects their lives more than mine. I can’t walk 5 minutes and get Asian food. They have to pack up their lives and move somewhere else and face a Transition of some sort.

God, give me the grace to see people as You made them to be, rather than seeing merely what they can or can’t do for me.

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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