Musical Quoteables

In Guitar class, H.L. was struggling with a rhythm, but finally got it in time for a quiz. Just before playing, she said, “I’m feelin’ it! Let’s hope that Karma doesn’t fail me now! Don’t worry guys, I don’t believe in Karma I believe in Jesus!”

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In a violin lesson:

A.P. “Your name lives up to you!”

Me: “You mean I live up to my name?”

A.P. “Right, that makes more sense.”

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When the clock in my office was running out of battery, it started spinning out of control trying to connect to the radio signal. I took it down from the wall and removed the battery. When A.P. asked why the clock was gone, I said, “I gave the clock a time out.”

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During K.N.’s guitar lesson, I was empathizing with her frustrations, but it came out as a lisp: “This pieth, it ith the death of you!”

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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