Rain Boots

Today, I was walking into town to send a letter to a lady I met in the hospital over Christmas break. As I walked by one of the nursing homes, I saw one of the familiar old men out with his walker. He’s the man with a fedora, a smile, an occasional wink, and a steady flow of conversation for any human he meets. Unfortunately, most of his conversation is in Alemannisch, so most of us BFA people have a hard time understanding him.

Today, I saw him pushing his walker toward me, and I smiled. He smiled back and said something unintelligible, partly because he was still far away from me, and partly because the thick cigar hanging from his mouth prevented the words from coming out clearly.

“Wie bitte?” I asked. What was that you said?

“Deine Gummistiefel! Prima!” he said, gesturing toward my feet. Your rubber rain boots! They’re fantastic!

Yes, I have fantastic rain boots. Even old Fedora-cigar-walker man noticed them. My bright yellow-blue plaid boots can brighten a rainy day, and today is one of those gray days that needed a boost of color.

About Jill

I grew up in West Chicago, went to Wheaton College, attended Grace Church of DuPage in Warrenville, and am currently teaching orchestra and violin, viola, and cello lessons at Black Forest Academy in Germany.
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One Response to Rain Boots

  1. Shannon says:

    Love this!

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